Special Quote
The true test of character is not how much we know how to do, but how we behave when we don't know what to do.
--John Holt
Please note: While my pages are not designed specifically for children, I try to make this a place where kids can safely stop by.
However, to parents, teachers, and other guardians of children--please understand that I can't control content on the sites I link to, nor the links they provide. Please surf the Web with your kids!
Culturefinder--The Online Address for the Arts
Theatre, dance, music, film, and when and where to find them.
The Console Cowboy
The site is nicely done, but in another 20 years he might be as wise as my
husband is about becoming an engineer by experience. It happened because
others who are also wise encouraged him, and he graciously gives them
due credit. (This guy's young. He'll learn, hopefully. In the meantime,
we'll give him a plug for his home page design.)
Designed to a T--Free Graphics, and more.
Graphics, backgrounds, dividers, and other web page enhancements.
Remember to link back if you use their work.
Exotic Plant and Garden Seed Catalog
While the cold winds blow and the snow swirls around your house,
dream of that garden you'll plant later this year with these
exotic seeds.
Tyson Chicken Games
The Chicken Chorus is great fun! (requires Shockwave plug-in)
Sports Injury Prevention--David Holt
If your New Year's Resolution was to exercise more, here's how to
keep from hurting yourself.
Message board on the history of food.
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For January Travelers |
January 9-10, 1999
Palm Springs Art Festival
Frances Stevens Park, N. Palm Canyon Drive, Palm Springs, California.
Benefit for the Palm Canyon Theatre, with artists from five Western states participating.
Information: Call 818-709-2907.
January 13-17, 1999
Barbados Jazz Festival--Paint It Jazz
Sir Garfield Sobers Gym (and other locations), Barbados.
Admission is charged for this sixth annual event, with artists including Kenny G, George Benson,
and Earth, Wind and Fire.
More information: Call 212-307-7171.
January 15-17, 1999
Various locations, New Glarus, Wisconsin.
Swiss music, helicopter rides, evening parade, more.
Information: Call 800-527-6838.
January 16-17, 1999
Nautical and Wildlife Art Festival
Convention Center, Bethany Beach, Delaware.
Painters, sculptors, carvers, over 100 artisans working in nautical and wildlife themes.
Further Information: 410-524-9177.
January 16-17, 1999
Twelfth Night As XXXIII--A Winter's Revel in Russia
National Guard Training Center, Bloomington, Minnesota.
Early Russian role-playing, with focus being around 1000 CE. Come in costume and participate
in feasting, fencing, archery, and sheep polo (I plead ignorance and cannot elaborate on that
last event). Also in the lineup will be dancing and children's activities. Admission is charged.
More information: 612-566-8970.
January 16-17, 1999
Bavarian Ice Fest
Leavenworth, Washington.
Dog sled competition, sleigh rides, ice cube hunt, more snow events, fireworks.
Details: Call 509-548-5807.
January 16-17, 1999
Bald Eagle Days
Cassville High School (and other areas), Cassville, Wisconsin.
Presentations, slide shows, birds on display, stories, outdoor viewing with question and
answer sessions.
Further details: Call 608-725-5855.
January 16-17, 1999
Santa Cruz Fungus Fair
Louden Nelson Center, Santa Cruz, California.
25th annual occurence of the event.
More information: 831-429-3773.
Note:Another 45-minute (more or less) drive south is the town of Pacific Grove,
where the Monarch butterflies winter. If you have never seen them, this would be a
wonderful opportunity to view them in hibernation. On warmer days, they leave their
long clusters and fly around to soak up sun. For more information: 831-373-3304.
January 17, 1999
Winter Life at Hagley
Hagley Museum on Buck Road, Wilmington, Delaware.
Exhibits of life in the 19th Century, and how parlor games and music were an important
part of cold-weather entertainment. Also shown February 14.
Details: Call 302-658-2400
January 24, 1999
Ice Day
Muster Field Farm Museum, North Sutton, New Hampshire.
Ice is harvested by hand and by power saw and stacked in the old ice house for use
at summer events.
Additional information: Call 603-927-4276.
January 29-31, 1999
Various locations in and around Berlin, New Hampshire.
Dog sled demonstrations, snowshoe races, snow sculptures, concert, more.
Details: Call 603-752-6060.
January 30-31, 1999
Southwest Arts Festival
Riverside County Fair and National Date Festival Fairgrounds, Indio, California.
13th annual occurence of the event. Food, entertainment, and art and quality crafts from
over 150 Southwest U.S. artists.
More information: Call 800-44-INDIO.
The End Is Near!
Are you an owl or a rooster? The closer we get to the year 2000, the more we hear such things. Is something really big about to happen, something that will make all the other historical events pale in comparison? Or is the year 2000 just another division of time illustrated by Gregorian calendars, bearing little or no resemblance to actual eschatology?
And just whose eschatology are we talking about anyway? Here's a version and here's another version. |
The subject has become better known to the American masses through the popularity of the TV show called (oddly enough) Millennium, in which fictional protagonist Frank Black is led from one strange phenomenon to another in an increasingly bizarre fashion while attempting to hold together his family and his sanity. Conspiracy theories, secret meetings, kidnappings and prophetic whisperings abound in almost every episode. |
Lest you think I'm exaggerating, this isn't just a topic found on television.
In Great Britain they're building a complete structure to commemorate the year 2000, and you can visit the Live WebCam from Millenium Dome, Greenwich, London. |
Sites such as Y2K at-home Issues and My Advice go into great detail on how to prepare for and survive the perceived coming crisis of a world turned upside down by computers which suddenly halt production of their little 1's and 0's at the thought of calculating 2000 as a calendar year. |
Whole businesses have been founded based on the perceived coming failings of technological data.
A partial list is at The Year 2000 Information Center/Milennium Bug |
Churches are gearing up to present searing demonstrations and glorious musicals featuring their particular brand of spiritual end-time truth, all happily riding on the coat tails of hyperbole produced by the secular spin doctors.
My own particular Christian denomination was founded by an offshoot of survivors from a bunch of people who followed the preachings of an Eastern U.S. preacher. Here's one fellow's account of that hopelessly dedicated group known as Millerites.
Fortunately, most modern-day Adventists bear little or no resemblance to that group of wild-eyed would-be ascencionists poised to jump from rooftops and window ledges. (We do, however, have a segment who insist on preaching techniques that attract that very personality type, with alarming results at times. But I digress.)
It doesn't stop there. Sister denominations battle it out over pre-millenial rapture and post-millenial rapture, readers of Nostradamus' quatrains strain to apply his prophecies to our time, environmentalists and pagans warn us of the earth's coming wrath in response to our misuse of its resources. |
To paraphrase a good friend's favorite saying--Who gives a rodent's rear? If you get up from your computer and walk into the next room and drop dead of a heart attack, your millenial crisis is here and now, baby!
What is it about humans that makes us cling to those old checklists and timelines? Are we that insecure with our lives, or are we hoping if we can follow a schedule that we can beat the deadline, and get our act together just in time to face the end? |
If you really knew for certain that life as we know it would end in the year 2000, (whatever that means in your particular theology or philosophy), what would you definitely change in your life or your circumstances, allowing nothing and no one to stop you?
Think of a few things?
The Bible-thumpers (and the techno-geeks and the mystical psychics) have been at this in one form or another for a long, long time. Many of them haven't learned that life isn't some game of "beat the clock".
They're well-meaning, but clueless, when it comes to real change, and the real meaning of eschatology in an individual life.
You may be the very one to show them how it's really done. |
Remember! Those of us who publish on the web are not saying our work is in the public domain.
When in doubt about your use of someone's else's writings or graphics, ask!
If you want to use graphics or text on a commercial page, contact me first, please, and we'll work something out.
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