Battles Family Chronicles VideoCap Archive

Battles Carden Cardon Ashworth McSpadden Smith

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#4 Headstone of Rebecca Kenner Carden, wife of Christopher Columbus Carden
#8 Headstone of Christopher Columbus Carden, husband of Rebecca Kenner Carden
#38 The bricked-in wellhead of Cardon Springs...sight of the former home of Joseph Norman Cardon
#40 Gate to the Garrett/Cardon cemetery
#50 Hugh Walker Cardon gravestone
#52 Inscription on headstone of Hugh Walker Cardon
#57 Headstone of Charlye C. Cardon, wife of Lamar Smith
#61 Cardon Family Headstone
#62 Ruby H. Cardon Headstone
#63 Hugh Walker Cardon (Jr.)
#74 Overall view of Garrett/Cardon cemetery
#79 Cardon and McSpadden Monuments
#83 Cardon Home...Centre, AL

And relation unknown, but interesting that it's in the same cemetery
#80 Gravesite of Chief Pathkiller...Referred to as the last of the Cherokee Kings