Cool Site of the Day
Probably the original, at infi.net.
Cool Pick Site of the Day
CoolPick Picks 'em.
Pennsylvania Destination of the Day
Focus is especially on sites highlighting Pennsylvania places and issues.
WorldVillage Family Site of the Day
Sites chosen especially for value to the whole family (whatever family means, in this case)
Of The Time Period
Joseph's picks--something like the page you're on now.
Sponsor/Sponsored Site of the Day
But where did they go?
Salt Lake City Site ReviewPicks that relate to Salt Lake City in some way.
Cat of the Day

Feline picks
HotSpots Today
From Fred Langa.
Acme Pet Cool Pet Site of the Day
Sites with dogs, cats, birds, fish, and even more exotic pets.
Pirate Pete's Picks
These actually seem to be listed every other day.
Global Town's Hawaii: Site of the Day
Sites are not limited to Hawaiian ones.
Coolshopping.com Site of the Day
Shop 'til ya can't click anymore.
Agent Site of the Day
Real estate agents get their 15 minutes on the WWW.
Celebrity Site of the Day
Includes archives of past sites.
Political Site of the Day.
Issues and personalities affecting our lives through politics.
Library Link of the Day

Library news and other goodies.
Dan Pollock's Site Of The Day
Some are humorous picks, and some are not.
ESR's Conservative Site of the Day
Enter Stage Right's picks on the right.
Blocked Site of the Day
These sites were blocked by censors.
Australian Internet Directories Pick of the Day
Picks in Australian sites. Nice variety!
The Daily Humorscope
Very silly (just like real horoscopes are to me). They also have a Weekly Humorscope.
New Scientist Site of the Day
Quarks, barks, larks, sharks and more.
The 80's Server Totally Awesome! Site of the Day
If you loved the 80's, this is for you.
Cool Dog Site of the Day
Canine site picks from Dogmark Online Magazine.
Scott's Botanical Links
A new link a day to various plant sites.

Pun Of The Day
Punny ones.
The History Channel: This Day In History
Does history repeat itself? Find out here.
The Mad Amishman Thoughts for the Day
You are also invited to send your own quotes.
SAT Question Of The Day
Brush up for "those" tests.
Thinker's Daily Ponderable
Observations by Alan Harris.
Astronomy Picture of the Day
And for each photo some orientation from an astronomer.
The Daily.Wav
A new .wav file each day, plus links to archives.
Biography of the Day
From American National Biography.
Doodle Of The Day
Black and white renderings, and you can submit yours too.
Sci-Fi Fact Of The Day
Gems from the future, written in the past.
Merriam Webster's Word of the Day
I got the word natatorium. If you don't get that one you can look it up in their archive.
A Word A Day
Includes a pronunication feature.
Cyber Nation's Word in Fifteen Languages
This is a great idea, but what I want is a site that conjugates verbs.
travlang's Word of the Day
With spoken pronunciations in quite a few languages.
Quotes of the Day
They list several, and give links to a few more.
Merriam-Webster's Word Game of the Day
You can also play from the archives.
Trivia Cafe's Question of the Day
One small challenge each day.
Tucows Theme Of The Day
Beaches, Cities, Animals, and other themes.
The Old Farmer's Almanac.
Moon phase, history, more.
Scope Systems Today In History.
Birthdays, deaths, historical events.
Cool Jargon of the Day.
Those terms of modern technology we all pick up from time to time.
Media Nugget of the Day
Media moments upon which to reflect - or not.
Ain't It Cool News
Let's just say it's non-studio film scuttlebut.
Mark's Poem of the Day
Someone's rhyming, or non-rhyming, view of life.
Blog Of The Day
Diary-style sites with opinions, links and more.
Christian Quotation of the Day
You can also see past ones, and search for authors of them.
Quote Lady Quote of the Day
Also past quotes by subject and by author.
Wisdom of the Ages Quotation of the Day
Ancient Times, Middle Ages, Modern, other languages: choose one or all.
The Cool Word of the Day Page
Also links to a Kids' Cool Word of the Day Page.
Jesse's Word of the Day
Nicely presented with background information on each word.
The Daily Motivator
I think I can, I think I can! (Also available as an email subscription.)
Today's Cool Tool
Software picks that help you use your computer more efficiently.
Cookie Recipe of the Day
You may also browse the collection.
Weather Picture Of The Day
Lighting, sunsets, cloud banks and Ice Storms.
Today in the 80's

Looking back on this day.
Sprott's Fractal Gallery: Fractal of the Day
Art based on scientific patterns. You may also view past fractals.
Lie of the Day
Daily untrue trivia.
TPCN Cliche of the Day
Learn how we got started using those little phrases. Also available by email.
Wacky Patent of the Month
Those wild and crazy inventors.
Pet of the Day
Also includes a pet poll.
The Aloha Insider and Tip of the Day
Planning a trip to Hawaii? Some ideas to improve the quality of your visit.
Sports Fact of the Day From Cyber Nation
A daily gem to add to your knowledge of sports -- also avaiable by email.
Literary Calendar
You'll have to click on the date in the graphic calendar, but when you do, nice results.

Jon Carroll on The Gate
Willa's Journal
Daily Epiphany

No Violence Site of the Week
Picks dedicated to promoting non-violence at soccer games.
The Coolest Travel Site of the Week
Not just places to go, but ways to make getting there easier and more fun.
Incredible Art Site of the Week
Many of those chosen are especially kid-friendly sites, but fun for all.
Featured Site of the Week
Auto-related sites.
TheCase.com Solve-it: A weekly mini-mystery
Are you as good a sleuth as you think you are?
Sladen Site of the Week
Sladen Library's pick of the week.
Stamp Site of the Week
Lick-and-stick picks.
Yahoo!'s Picks of the Week
Palaces, techno-trivia, pseudo-science, funny characters and other pieces of the
collection we call WWW.
RedRival's Site of the Week
Sites that are well-designed, useful, or deserving of some other mention.
Yahoo! UK Picks of the Week
Big Ben, music, publishing, more.
FORM Magazine's Site of the Week
A document management business site chooses business sites.

DaDane of the Week
Great Dane photo.
Mix of the Week

Music mixes
The Multimedia Library Hymn of the Week
That old time religion in simple tunes.
Quote of the Week
From a legal point of view, selected by Donald Burger.
Magic Eye Inc. Image of the Week

3D fun.
Bird of the Week
Includes bird songs.
Science Fiction News of the Week
Can't get enough of behind-the-scenes tales from beyond our planet? Here's your haven.
Cool Robot Of The Week
Those fine machines we keep inventing in an effort to lighten our workload.
Inventor of the Week
People who are innovators.
Quicktime VR Movie of the Week
Travel, science, other topics using the Quicktime plug-in.

WATPA Kidstuff Site of the Month
This is the Kidstuff page -- you'll need to click on Site of the Month.
Yahoo Irish Picks
Books, animals, more.
Wise Owl Site of the Month

Chosen for excellence in education and design.
The Pocket Internet Picks of the Month
Be aware that most of the picks require fancy Plug-ins to display properly.
On the Trail of Our Ancestors Page of the Month Recognition
Sites with genealogy emphasis, actually chosen every two months.
Made With Front Page Site of the Month
Beauties chosen for their excellent use of Front Page.
The Exploratorium's Ten Cool Sites
Selected in the areas of science, art, and education.

Stitch of the Month

Featured needlepoint effects.
Wacky Patent of the Month,
Those wild inventors.
Tip of the Month

Information searching helps.
Stereotype of the Month

Certain media and political remarks and images.
Peace Pilgrim's Quote of the Month
Peaceful words.
This page was originally based on the July 1998 Monthly Review.
While I strive to make this page a place people of all ages can view,
I have no control over what other sites may link to.
For happiest results, please surf the Web with your kids.
Graphic Hunters of the World, Take Note!
All the graphics on this page (except the Home graphic below) are my own. If you want to use any for your non-commercial page, please do. A thanks on your page or even a link back to my home page would be great. Do drop me a line or two of email and let me know where to go and see your page! If you want to use the graphics on a commercial page, contact me first, please, and we'll work something out.
Please don't link back to the graphics on my pages - copy them to your own server! Thanks!
This Page Was Last Updated On June 5, 2004
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